Introductory Clinical Pharmacology
Introductory Clinical Pharmacology (7th Ed) and Lww 2007 Drug Guide: Package
Book Description This
text presents a clear, concise introduction to pharmacology. Designed for the LPN/LVN student, the book focuses on basic
principles and the nurse's responsibility in drug administration. Organized by body system, the book examines pharmacologic properties
and therapeutic applications of drugs as a class or group. Summary Drug Tables present generic and trade drug names,
uses, adverse reactions, and usual dosage ranges. Features include updated drug tables, gerontologic alerts, special
considerations, home care checklists, and patient and family teaching boxes. New to this edition: complementary therapies information,
dimensional analysis review, chapter summary questions, drug category flowcharts, math review problems, and full color
Nurse's Guide To Clinical Procedures
The revised Fifth Edition of this pocket guide provides step-by-step instructions for over 200 common nursing
procedures. This edition has over 15 new procedures, a reorganized Table of Contents that helps readers find information quickly,
and a new art program with new and updated illustrations. Each procedure is organized according to the nursing process, including
assessment, sample diagnoses, planning, desired outcomes, implementation, evaluation, and documentation. Planning sections
emphasize individual client needs and include pediatric, geriatric, home health, cultural, end-of-life, and delegation considerations.
Implementation sections present specific steps and rationales in two-column format. Icons highlight cultural considerations
and cost-cutting tips. This edition is also available for PDAs.
Book Info Univ. of South Alabama,
Mobile. Pocket-sized outline covers 200 commonly performed nursing procedures in a nursing process format. Includes icons,
chapter overviews, illustrations and charts, and possible nursing diagnoses. Previous edition: c1997. Wire-spiral binding.
DNLM: Nursing Process--Handbooks. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Edited By: soldier22022 on Friday, 08-Dec-06 10:12:23 UTC
SparkSilver members Only
Drug Guide For Nurses
Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses with Integrated Calculators, based on Davis's Drug Guide (FA Davis Co), is
a remarkable advance in drug reference. DDGNIC contains the entire content of the Davis's Drug Guide (10th Edition) - and
has Integrated Calculation tools with all weight based medications. The 10th Edition has been extensively updated and is now
more resourceful than ever! This product is focused on patient safety with critical information about vulnerable populations,
including expanded pediatric information with new indications and dosing recommendations. High-alert drugs and life-threatening
side effects are now visually highlighted.
This product merges many of the advantages of weight based drug dosing calculation
with a comprehensive drug reference. The user should review the integrated critical care infusion calculators for items such
as dopamine, nitroglycerin, amiodarone, and over 30 other common critical care medications. The flashing red calculator icon
alerts the user when looking up a drug that a calculator is available.
DDGNIC includes over 5000 trade and generic
drugs, nearly 140 drug classifications, over 1700 drug monographs, 700 commonly used combination drugs, and 400 integrated
calculators. Extensive cross-linking has been implemented between drugs, and users can search Main, Generic, Trade, Therapeutic,
Pharmacologic, and Eye Medications indexes.
Link :
Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States (Pathophysiology) By: Carol Mattson
Porth ISBN: 0781749883 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - 2004-07-01 Hardcover | 7th Bk&Cdr Edition
| 1616 Pages | List Price: $84.95 (USD) | Sales Rank: 5870 Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States By:
Carol Mattson Porth ISBN: 0781749883 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - 2004-07-01 Hardcover | 7th
Bk&Cdr Edition | 1616 Pages | List Price: $84.95 (USD) | Sales Rank: 5870
Book Description This
is the Seventh Edition of the comprehensive and well-respected text and reference of pathophysiology. As a nurse-physiologist,
Carol Porth uniquely emphasizes "concepts" of altered health states, as opposed to factual descriptions of diseases and disorders.
By taking this physiologic approach, the author ensures a comprehension of the whole of body function. By integrating all
of the aspects of the human body into a total functional whole, the student can grasp both the physical and psychological
aspects of altered health. A back-of-book CD-ROM includes three-dimensional animations of pathophysiology.
Review Although it is good being exhaustive, but it fails to deliver. The subject is already hard to understand,
this book does not even help to make the subject easier. It's very deep and detail with its own complicated words... In a
fast pace nursing school, this is definitely not the book you want to review... It is good for reference, but not as a
textbook. When you want to go for to the point review and understand the concept fast, you may want to look somewhere
Amazon Review Disease Medical Medical / Nursing Nurses' Instruction Nursing Nursing
- Medical & Surgical Pathology Pathophysiology Physiology, Pathological Medical / Nursing / Medical &
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Nurse book
Book Description Offering sound presentation of fundamental nursing concepts, and precise
coverage of step-by-step clinical procedures, the second edition of Fundamentals of Nursing has been thoroughly revised to
reflect the latest developments in current practice. NEW TO EDITION: Coverage of the nursing process has been moved forward,
opening with a discussion of Critical Thinking and the Nursing Process. This lays the foundation for the content presented
in later chapters. Content related to spirituality and sexuality is emphasized throughout as appropriate so that students
may see how these vital aspects affect clients in vital ways. Increased coverage of family and community health concepts -
especially in chapter 11 on the legal framework. Home health care content is also emphasized throughout in order to highlight
the many arenas of contemporary client care. Coverage of Alternative/Complementary Treatments is highlighted in each chapter,
as appropriate, reflecting the author?s holistic philosophy. New unit on ? Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventions? that
includes: Vital signs & physical assessment, Diagnostic testing, Care of Perioperative Clients, Medication Administration,
Documentation Discussion of quality has been integrated with that of accountability to highlight the importance of keeping
the ?care? in nursing care in an age of a cost-conscious, business-oriented health care system. More emphasis will be placed
on concept of holism and holistic nursing in Chapters 11 and 22. The chapter on Mobility has been totally revised, now emphasizing
the impact of immobility on health status. It also presents information on the functional aspects of mobility. The overall
number of boxed items was reduced to enhance clarity of presentation. A Clinical Companion is available that contains many
valuable reference tools as well as every skill presented in the book. Perfect for use in a clinical setting!
Info William Carey College, New Orleans, LA. Brandon/Hill Nursing List selection (#102). Textbook, for nursing
students, includes nursing process highlights, procedure boxes, research focus highlights, tips, checklists, care plans, alerts,
'think about it' boxes, and a CD-ROM containing a computerized flashcard question-and-answer format.
Details * Hardcover: 1408 pages * Publisher: Thomson Delmar Learning; 2 edition (January 17, 2002) * ISBN:
0766824527 * Format: PDF * Size: 38.6 MB * Price: $78
http://mihd.net/lcfkhn pass: 3039N-432K-5490E
http://rapidshare.com/files/1892065/6332.rar.html pass:
Laboratory and diagnostic test with nursing implication
Davis's Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests With Nursing Implications by
Zoanne Burgess Schnell, Anne M. Van Leeuwen, Todd R. Kranpitz Paperback: 1190 pages Publisher: F. A. Davis Company;
Bk&Acces edition (May 2003) Language: English ISBN: 0803610424 Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 6.4 x 1.6 inches Shipping
Weight: 2.46 pounds
Book Description ...easy-to-read text of 388 monographs, 508 tests, and 2,924
test interpretations is designed for practical day-to-day use for nursing students.
Book Info Plattsburgh
State Univ. of New York, NY. Text is a reference designed to help nurses in the understanding and interpretation of laboratory
and diagnostic procedures and the outcomes. Contains more than 350 monographs covering 664 tests, including Alzheimer's markers,
cancer markers, expanded therapeutic drugs, and communicable diseases.
pass: tFDCLDT.rar
Fundamental Nursing skills
pass: 6475-0988-I0HLI-6433
Book Description This highly illustrated
text comprehensively covers over 200 nursing skills. Following the five-step nursing process, it is written in a clear, concise,
easy-to-follow format to help promote competence in basic and complex nursing skills. Paying careful attention to gender,
culture, and age-sensitive issues, the text includes real world situations in various health care environments to provide
students with the clinical experiences they may encounter in their career. This, along with the critical thinking feature,
helps students fine-tune their critical thinking skills and apply skill knowledge. Client teaching, documentation, equipment,
and common errors are strongly emphasized to alert students to important issues and common pitfalls.(skills, procedures, nursing
fundamentals, clinical, practice, medical-surgical, med-surg, techniques)
Book Info Univ. of Washington,
Seattle. Textbook containing over 200 nursing skills. Follows the five-step nursing process and includes over 1,500 color
photographs emphasizing key actions and rationales to aid comprehension. For students, certified aids, and nurse practitioners.
Softcover. DNLM: Nursing Care--methods.
Product Details * Paperback: 1440 pages * Publisher:
Delmar Thomson Learning; 1 edition (September 3, 1999) * Language: English * ISBN: 0766807150 * Format: PDF *
Size: 58.5 MB * Price: $103.95
pass: 6475-0988-I0HLI-6433
mirror#2 http://mihd.net/lo6jb2 pass: 6475-0988-I0HLI-6433
Intravenous therapy
The Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health (Five Volume Set) by Kristine M.
Krapp (Editor) Publisher: Thomson Gale; 1st edition (December 15, 2001) Language: English Harcover 2762 pages (plus
Front Matter) ISBN 0787649341 (set) 078764935X (Vol. 1) 0787649368 (Vol. 2) 0787649376 (Vol. 3) 0787649384
(Vol. 4) 0787649392 (Vol. 5)
Book description The Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health
is a unique and invaluable source of information for the nursing or allied health student. This collection of over 850 entries
provides in-depth coverage of specific diseases and disorders, tests and procedures, equipment and tools, body systems, nursing
and allied health professions, and current health issues. This book is designed to fill a gap between health information designed
for laypeople and that provided for medical professionals, which may be too complicated for the beginning student to understand.
The encyclopedia does use medical terminology, but explains it in a way that students can understand. The entries are one
to six pages long. They include definitions and descriptions along with basic material related to the subject (diagnosis and
treatment of diseases, maintenance of equipment, and required education for careers). Definitions of key terms appear in shaded
boxes, and black-and-white illustrations augment the text. Resource lists appear at the ends of the articles. An appendix
lists allied health and nursing organizations.
All 5 Volumes in one PDF file, added bookmarks and page links
in Index.
PDF 34.4 Mb, rar 2*10.3+6.4 Mb
pass: tFGALEONALH1.rar
Medical Dictionary
Nursing Books Collection :
1. Introductory Clinical Pharmacology
2. Nurses Guide to Clinical Procedure
3. Drug Guide for Nurses
The Official Study Guide provides valuable background information to help you do your best on the CGFNS Qualifying Exam
and describes the registered nurse's role in the healthcare delivery system in the U.S. The Official Study Guide provides
important tips and information about the CGFNS Certification Program, preparing you for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam and the
NCLEX-RNŽ examination. In addition, the Guide provides you with information about how the exam is organized and detailed descriptions
of the content of the exam. Four complete practice tests totaling more than 1,000 questions are included. Following the sample
tests are the correct answers with explanations describing why the right answers are correct and the wrong answers are wrong.
Maternal-Newborn Nursing
Medical-Surgical Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
Paediatrics: A Clinical Guide for Nurse Practitioners by Barnes, Katie. Pages: 288 pages Publisher:
Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd (18 Aug 2003) Language English ISBN: 0750649577 Format : pdf
Paediatrics: A Clinical
Guide for Nurse Practitioners" is a concise, pragmatic and clinically focused text that outlines important components to be
considered when assessing and managing health problems among infants, children and adolescents. It provides nurse practitioners
with information that has immediate relevance to their practice in paediatrics, and brings together the expertise of advanced
paediatric nurse practitioners, paediatric specialist nurses, and other paediatric professionals. Part One (Clinical Issues
in Paediatrics) contains practical information pertaining to a variety of subjects that are intrinsic to paediatric advanced
nursing practice. Part Two (Common Paediatric Problems) outlines the clinical assessment, diagnosis and management of ambulatory
conditions that are often encountered, assessed and/or managed by nurse practitioners. This will be a 'bible' for competent
From the Author The academic preparation and role development of NPs in the UK has largely focused on
adult patients. This is in contrast to the clinical setting where the percentage of paediatric consultations in busy ambulatory
settings may approach 30-40%. Many NPs do not have a children's nursing qualification, while formalised NP programmes often
have very little paediatric content. Even for paediatric NPs working in specialist areas, knowledge of common paediatric conditions
outside their individual specialties may be lacking.
This text is an attempt to address these gaps and the paucity
of paediatric advanced practice reference material. Its objectives are 3 fold: offer NPs (both experienced and developing)
a clinically focused and pragmatic paediatric reference text; provide NPs with info that has immediate relevance to their
practice; create a paediatric NP text that is not setting dependent (i.e. not 'just' for the community or 'just' for the hospital
Part One contains practical information related to generic issues in paediatrics (anatomical and physiological
differences in children, a developmental approach to the history and physical examination of children, paediatric internet
resources, etc.). Part Two outlines the clincal assessment, diagnosis and management of numerous paediatric ambulatory conditions
that are often encountered, assessed and managed by NPs.
While not the definitive guide to paediatrics, it is an attempt
to assist primary and acute care NPs with the information required to manage the variety of paediatric complaints that are
part of a busy clinic session. It is my sincerest hope that this text is useful to you in your everday practice.
Pass: Lekar is great!
Product Details pages: 238 pages Publisher:
Cambridge University Press ISBN: 0521671191 Year: 2006 Format:
PDF Summary: This book will help mental health professionals to develop the fundamental generic skills
in interviewing and assessment which form the foundation of psychiatric practice. It is about the process of reaching a diagnosis
and is a practical guide to help the reader make the transition from novice to competent clinician. It is based on real problems
encountered in modern general adult psychiatric practice, and is set in a range of environments, in the clinic and in the
community. The text is punctuated by a selection of case studies to illustrate the principles highlighted in the book. This
book will be essential reading for all members of the mental health team. Its practical grounding in everyday clinical experience
will appeal to trainee psychiatrists and more experienced clinicians alike, as well as to nurses, social workers and psychologists.
pass: lekar
pass: lekar